When can you enter an Action Plan?
You can enter Action Plans each current week. You can not enter an action plan for a previous or future week. You may visit your action plans "Action Plan Board"
An Action Plan is:
- Something YOU want to do - not what you or someone else thinks you should do (for example, do something for yourself such as taking a walk, calling a friend or eating an apple instead of a cookie for a snack).
- Doable this week - something you can expect to be able to accomplish between now and Sunday
- Behavior or action-specific - for example, losing weight is not a behavior. Eating less rice or exercising 20 minutes are behaviors that can lead to weight loss.
Your Plan should answer these questions:
- What are you going to do? (for example: walking or avoiding snacks)
- How much of it are you going to do? (for example: walking 4 blocks)
- When will you do it? (for example: after dinner or on Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
- How often between now and Tuesday will you do it? (for example, 4 times this week; try to avoid "every day")
- How confident are you that you will complete the entire Action Plan?
How confident are you that you will complete the entire Action Plan between now and the beginning of next session?
Not at all confident
Totally confident
If your confidence level is below 7, you may be trying too much or doing something you do not want to do. See if you can change your plan to raise your confidence.