Often times we notice caregivers might try to register or referrer themselves more then once. In order to keep things organized and accounted with the VA, we ask caregivers only make one account or referral. We appreciate your help in this.
Reviewing or updating a Referral:
If you get a duplicate warning when updating a referral Carma ID, Caregiver Type or phone number, Building Better Caregiver support will be automatically notified that. That referral will be locked, until support team can clear the duplicate. We may reach out to CSP and/or caregiver to clear any confusion and ensure we have the most up-to-date email and the caregiver has access to the workshop.
Entering a new referral:
If you get a duplicate warning while entering a brand new referral in the referral tool. You will need to check "Referrals At location" to search for that caregiver. Last name is best used to search. The caregiver most likely already has a referral. You can check their workshop status and also see if that referral needs to be updated with "Caregiver Type" if it is blank.
If you can not locate caregiver that has duplicate in "Referrals At location", contact us.
If a caregiver would like to re-enroll in another workshop or need assistance logging into their current workshop, the caregiver or you can just contact support and we'll assist them into their workshop, or call 1-844-516-1438 (M-F 9am to 5pm PST) or Online Request